Orac Bar
Orac Bar is a small restaurant/bar in the heart of Barcelona, that specializes in burgers and cocktails. The owners wanted an identity that reflected their love and attention to food, but also to the environment that surrounds the experience of dining or going for a drink with a friend at Orac.
Both the chef/owner and his girlfriend are big music fans and they wanted their restaurant to feel like a music festival at dawn. When the lights go down, the wild spirits rise and the best kind of fun finally begins
Both the chef/owner and his girlfriend are big music fans and they wanted their restaurant to feel like a music festival at dawn. When the lights go down, the wild spirits rise and the best kind of fun finally begins

The goal of the illustrations was to portray heavenly food in the context of sin, while showcasing fresh ingredients and the best quality. I used a cartoonish style, only elevated by the bright color palette.

The client wanted a typographic logo combining different fonts, inspired by festival signs. The result was an unconventional sign that reflected variety, movement and fun. I also created an alternative logo to combine with the main one or to vary depending on the support.

Bright and bold colors were the easy pick, ones that contrasted well with the evening deep blue background of a fun night.

The illustrations were used to enhance the otherwise very simple menus. Only printed in two colors and in single pages to make it easier to re-print whenever there were alterations done to the content.

Other supports displaying the logo were kept as simple as possible. Since the logo is already so decorative, only the essential information was added. Merchandising and coasters consisted only of the illustrations and the logo.