These books were created for my thesis project. They tell the story of Ballet and Modern Dance in Austria, and their development on the performing arts scene in the capital of the music: Vienna.

Both books were created under the same rules and the same structure, but the content is as different as the two dance styles are. They express how dance is translated into a theatrical piece and it showcases all of the processes a production has to go through before it is presented to an audience. Rehearsals, costume creation, scenography design, lighting and music production are all necessary aspects that are thoroughly explained throughout the books.

The books covers were cut, printed and assembled by me.
The illustrations for the chapters were created using plasticine letters and icons to represent the 3-dimensionality and liveliness of human performance.

The process was quite fun, the letters were carved out in plasticine using print outs with the written words in one of the fonts I chose for the project. The rest of the figurines were done freehand.
I also took all of the photographs displayed not only on the main books, but also on the photography booklet I created. I was mentored by an Austrian dance photographer well known in the field called Laurent Ziegler who helped me capture not only moving targets, but also curious moments in between scenes.
I also took all of the photographs displayed not only on the main books, but also on the photography booklet I created. I was mentored by an Austrian dance photographer well known in the field called Laurent Ziegler who helped me capture not only moving targets, but also curious moments in between scenes.

It was incredibly inspiring to get to study how these performers, musicians and artists pour themselves into their passion and work so hard for their performances. If I have taken with me at least one bit of the passion and work ethic I observed during the months I worked on my thesis, then I can say all the hours, headaches and details were worth it.